
University Management: Practice and Analysis

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Changes in Russia's higher education system in light of global social and managerial trends


The measures taken in Russian professional education during the last decade are reviewed in respect to their correspondence to the actual cybernetic laws, quality management principles, social megatrends of postindustrial society and creative environment conditions. It is noted that many measures are poorly related to actual social and managerial trends and directed mainly at local changes in the management of the educational system omitting the content and methods of the teaching.

About the Author

M. N. Ovchinnikov
Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Ovchinnikov M.N. Changes in Russia's higher education system in light of global social and managerial trends. University Management: Practice and Analysis. 2013;(6):19-26. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1999-6640 (Print)
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